01 Jun Roman Villa
Roman Villa (100 AC) with El Flamingo II....
Roman Villa (100 AC) with El Flamingo II....
Ready for the show at Art(s) Gallery Simone Jansen starting the first wknd in May. https://www.artsgallery.nl/titus-brein/...
A perfect diasec print, soon available in deep gloss & matte....
At the Art(s) Gallery Simone Jansen....
hanging the works, and styling the very nice exhibition...
works to be delivered at the Simone Jansen Gallery....
Checkin this work for a client , Aubade XIII, 100x140 cm....
Atelier view with Mag Brut Noire II, 120 x 160 cm....
Work to be packed for Kunsthuizen Gallery, to a new collectioneur....